As a women-led social enterprise one of the significant features of ABPAW is the close cooperation between women leaders, which enables the efficient sharing of knowledge, experimenting with new ideas and prompt resolution of issues. The Association provides a platform for young women to be mentored by its senior leadership, which collectively represents more than five decades of entrepreneurship experience.
ABP&AW National President and Branch Presidents /Reps
Vision, Mission & Core Values
their caste, creed, gender, religion, or ethnicity.
International Advisory Board, KP
Its main focus is on ensuring sustainability, scaling, and national/international visibility of the enterprise’s operations and achievements,
particularly in relation to UN SDGs.
Collectively, the IAB members bring high-level expertise across the following domains: UN Sustainable Development Goals; Public-Private Sector Partnerships; entrepreneurship; frugal innovation; public sector policy, and financial management.

Fiona Wood, PhD
Research and Innovation Strategy Analyst and Advisor, Australia.

Aaron Benavot, PhD
Global Education Policy, Dept. of Educational Policy & Leadership/School of Education, University at Albany – SUNY, USA

Saif Usmani
Ministry of Planning, Development and Special Initiatives, Government of Pakistan.

Bushra Rahim, PhD
President Association of Business, Professional & Agricultural Women (ABP&AW) Peshawar, KP. – Co-founder Development Agent for Change