Where will your Donations go?
How to Donate?
Direct Online Transfer via your bank
Bank: Allied Bank, Gul Bahar Colony, Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Pakistan
Account Title: Bushra Rahim & Samina Iffat
Account Number: 03090010053704870019
IBAN: PK17ABPA0010053704870019
Please email us at abpawkp@gmail.com with your full name, the date of your donation and the email subject line as “ABPAW Donations” so we can forward your receipt.
The association’s website provides regular updates on how your donations are being used across our priority areas.
Please also note that the enterprise’s accounts are subject to annual auditing in compliance with the GoP Regulations.
Privacy Policies
Payment Gateway Policy
ABPAW highly values the trust you place in us when you provide us with your personal information and is dedicated to upholding the confidentiality of the personal information of its esteemed donors.
• We may collect your name, address, telephone number, or email address as well as your payment information when you contribute, through our website, either over the phone or by mailing in a check.
• We will not trade, share, or sell a donor’s personal information, collected through the website or via any other business activities, with anyone else, at all.
• We will gather the payment info, and billing address, apart from some other information vital to further proceed with a donation or an event registration.
Donation Acknowledgment Policy
Donors will get a formal acknowledgment of the donations in terms of proper receipt via email, SMS, and WhatsApp. If we ever make any changes to our donor’s privacy policy, we will post any changes right away on our website so that you are always up-to-date regarding the information that we collect and how we utilize it.